il clima 10/19~11/20 POP UP restaurant announcement

il clima POP UP restaurant announcement vol.3
This time, from October 19th to November 20th, we will be offering innovative Japanese cuisine supervised by Shogo Shikawatari, the head chef of the renowned members-only restaurant “Roppongi Kappo Ikkon,” with dishes prepared by sous-chef Fumiya Higuchi.
As the season brings an abundance of delicious fish, we are excited to see how the fusion of Japanese and Western flavors will come together in these dishes!
Pop-up limited to one month, so make your reservation today!
Available dates:
Lunch: Friday, Saturday and Sunday during the period. Between 11:30-13:00, ¥5,500
October: 22(Tue)、23(Wed)、24(Thr)、25(Fri)、26(Sat)、27(Sun)、28(Mon)、31(Wed)
November: 1(Fri)、2(Sat)、3(Sun)、4(Mon)、6(Wed)、7(Thr)、9(Sat)、11(Mon)、13(Wed)、16(Sat)、17(Sun)、20(Wed)
From 18:00, 19:00 or 20:00 ¥9,900 or ¥16,500
Call 0763-77-3999 or book here.